Gay News

Cher pays tribute to “Rocky Horror” actor & singer Meat Loaf

ShutterstockThe singer remembered their time together and bemoaned the recent spate of celebrity deaths.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 22, 2022

Kyrsten Sinema’s approval rating with Dems stands at 8%. It’s about to sink lower.

CiviqsThe out bisexual Senator from Arizona has been key in tanking Democrats' priorities this past year. But Republicans like her more now than ever.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 22, 2022

How does ethical non-monogamy work? All your questions answered

ShutterstockIn this guide, we answer all your questions about ethical non-monogamy, from the difference between polyamory and polygamy to knowing whether ENM is right for you. 

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 22, 2022

Donald Trump confuses border wall with metaphorical wall before bragging about acing cognitive test

Shutterstock"I don't think you ever saw anyone ace" a dementia screening, Donald Trump said after he forgot what the conversation was about.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 22, 2022