Gay News

New Republican congresswoman wants you to know she’s not a witch

Oh, and she didn't sleep with Matt Gaetz.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2023

Former Pope Benedict’s funeral is today. His legacy will harm LGBTQ+ people for decades to come

Benedict was born during the Nazi era in Germany. He ruled the Church with an iron grip and made it a point to persecute a minority group.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2023

Will Pete Buttigieg run for Senate now that Debbie Stabenow is retiring?

The internet is lighting up with speculation of a possible Pete Buttigieg Senate run now that a seat will open up.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2023

Ecuadoran man changes legal sex in bid to gain custody of his kids

"As of this moment, I am female," said René Salinas Ramos. "Now I’m also a mom."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2023