Gay News

Lawyer says teen accused of stabbing gay man to death is “a good Christian boy”

The suspect's mother said her son goes to church so he couldn't have committed the alleged anti-gay hate crime.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 8, 2023

Gay couple abandoned in wildfires because someone thought they’re not a “real family”

"If we had been a man and woman then we would have been given a [shelter]," Sean Palmer said.

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What it’s like to be the best man as your boyfriend marries a woman

For LGBTQ+ Nigerians bowing to social and family pressure, this is a common reality.

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Ron DeSantis got absolutely trashed by one of his state’s biggest newspapers

The Miami Herald said he's "no political genius" and suffers from a "lack of charisma."

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 7, 2023