Gay News

Texas child welfare workers are quitting after being forced to investigate trans kids’ families

Shutterstock"By me being there, for even a split second, a child could think they’ve done something wrong," said a trans man told to investigate a family for being supportive of their trans kid.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 13, 2022

The NFL should withdraw the Super Bowl LVII from Arizona. Here’s why.

ProvidedIn 2023, the Super Bowl LVII is scheduled to take place in Arizona, despite the state's attacks on transgender and voting rights.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 13, 2022

School bans unicorn book because it “could be promoting a gay lifestyle”

Book cover"It's Okay to be a Unicorn" isn't about LGBTQ people, but the message is about being yourself. That and the rainbow on the cover were enough to cause a panic in one school district.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 13, 2022

New York City insurance bans gay couples from having kids, so a gay couple is fighting back

Shutterstock“You have policymakers who think a family consists of a man and a woman and two and a half children," one would-be father said. "But that’s not what my family will look like.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 13, 2022