Gay News

Cruel trolls hijack family’s virtual funeral with racist SpongeBob images and gay porn

A family in North Carolina had their funeral service cruelly interrupted when a troll hacked the Zoom feed for those who couldn’t be there in person, replacing the stream with gay pornography and racist images. The service was to commemorate the lif

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 3, 2021

Elton John tickets: prices, venues and dates for his Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour

Elton John is heading out on his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour next summer and tickets are selling fast. The pop icon is returning to the stage to perform his final ever tour dates, after set backs due to the coronavirus pandemic and personal injury. Fa

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 3, 2021

Cardi B emphatically shuts down ridiculous ‘debate’ over kitchen sets for boys being ‘gay’

Cardi B basically said what we were all thinking when she clapped back at yet another debate about gender roles for young children. After several parents shared pictures of their young sons playing with kitchen sets, as made popular by YouTube star Ryan K

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 3, 2021

We regret to inform you the Fairytale of New York homophobia debate is back once again

It’s officially the Christmas season, which can only mean one thing – the annual “Fairytale of New York” discourse has started once again. Each year, at the start of December, people start fervently discussing the use of a certain homoph

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 3, 2021