Gay News

Lewis Hamilton ‘disgusted’ after F1 fans subjected to sexist, racist and homophobic abuse

Lewis Hamilton has condemned the wave of sexist, racist and homophobic harassment Formula One (F1) fans faced during the Austrian Grand Prix. At the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Styria, around 105,000 people gathered to watch the nail-biting races on Satur

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2022

Trans woman sues after 5 male police officers watched her take a shower

ShutterstockJuniper McGinn said she was humiliated by police after she was arrested during a George Floyd protest.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2022

Berlin mosque becomes the first to fly the rainbow flag

ShutterstockOne of the mosque's imams said it's a "safe place for people who are different, so they too can experience the spiritual side of their lives."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2022

Trans woman sues Chick-fil-A after an employee sexually harassed & threatened to beat her up

ShutterstockWhen she reported lewd sexual comments from her co-worker, the franchise's owner allegedly said he'd have to investigate her if she kept reporting harassment claims.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2022