Gay News

Democratic governor won’t veto transgender sports ban bill

Batch1928 44/via WikipediaThe Louisiana governor has called the bill "just plain mean" in the past, but now he's resigned to it passing with or without his signature.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 8, 2022

Burger King Austria is selling a silly Pride Whopper featuring “two tops” or “two bottoms”

Burger King AustriaThe company says the burgers have "equal buns for equal love and equal rights ... [that] set an example for the equality of all identities and sexual orientations." Yes, but...

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 8, 2022

Pastor preaches that all gay men are “reptilians” & should be put to death

Shutterstock"I’m not saying that every reptilian is a sodomite, but all sodomites are reptilians."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 8, 2022

GOP lawmaker promises to ban people from taking kids to drag shows

Drag Queen Story Hour InstagramHis reasoning? "I would never take my children to a drag show!"

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 8, 2022