Gay News

GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker mocks transgender people who serve in the military

Just weeks after he was caught being deceptive about his "military career," Herschel Walker had harsh words about trans people in the military.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 13, 2022

It costs $620 for a fake HIV diagnosis to get out of the Russian draft

Russian men have been bribing doctors and injuring themselves to avoid dying in the invasion of Ukraine.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 13, 2022

School board meeting descends into chaos as protestors demand book bans

Police had to escort a gay man to his car as protestors shouted at him: "Leave our kids alone."

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 13, 2022

Speaker says LGBTQ students “deserve death” at school board meeting

"They invent ways of doing evil, but let me remind you that those who do such things deserve death."

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 13, 2022