Gay News

Homework assignment requires kids to explain how they would de-gay their friends

ShutterstockThe assignment said to write a letter to "a friend of your same gender who is struggling with homosexuality" and use "the Bible, reason, and your personal friendship" to talk them out of being gay.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2022

Donald Trump has a new gig as a motivational speaker

ShutterstockHe gets to continue to air his political grudges and lay the groundwork for a 2024 presidential bid, while off-loading expenses for his rallies onto the organization. Plus, he gets paid to show up.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2022

8 times Pete Buttigieg slammed Republicans

ShutterstockIf you're going to fight a Harvard graduate and Rhodes scholar, you better be prepared for some sharp comebacks.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2022

Woman forced sex on 13-year-old gay boy to turn him straight

ShutterstockThe molester is getting locked up for years.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2022