Gay News

5 good things that happened to the LGBTQ community this year

ShutterstockIt has certainly been a challenging year for LGBTQ rights, but it's important to take a moment to recognize the wins.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 27, 2021

The sweetest queer love stories of 2021

ProvidedNot even a global pandemic can stand in the way of queer romance. 2021 was a year of love stories like no other.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 27, 2021

Pope Francis sends another signal to US Catholic bishops to lay off the anti-LGBTQ attacks

ShutterstockIn two letters to New Ways Ministry, a group persecuted for decades for its outreach to LGBTQ Catholics, the pontiff praised its "neighborly approach."

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 27, 2021

5 times gay icon George Michael was frank, fearless and radically proud of his sexuality

George Michael passed away on Christmas Day 2016, leaving behind a lasting legacy of music and philanthropy, but also one of being radically sex and queer-positive. Born June 25, 1963, George Michael began his career as the quintessential teen pin-up. As

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 26, 2021