Gay News

Ariana DeBose makes SAG Awards history and there’s not a dry eye in the house

Ariana DeBose won a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Award for her role in West Side Story. The actor and singer took home the award for Best Supporting Actress in a history-making moment, becoming the first out queer woman and first Afro-Latina to win an indivi

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 28, 2022

Courageous LGBT+ Ukrainians take up arms to join civilian fightback against Russia

A rush of LGBT+ volunteers in Ukraine are preparing for combat after the Russian invasion. Veronika Limina, from Lviv, has been running a camp which teaches volunteer LGBT+ cadets basic combat and paramedic skills, the Daily Beast reports. Limina, who wor

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 28, 2022

Trans author Grace Lavery left ‘terrified’ after so-called ‘gender critics’ target her mother

The mother of trans author and professor Grace Lavery has been harassed online by a swarm of so-called “gender critics” on Twitter. Lavery – who is an associate professor of English, critical theory and gender and women’s studies at the Univer

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 28, 2022

Drag Race says emotional goodbye to trailblazing trans queen after shady reading challenge

Episode six of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 14 opens with a role reversal of sorts. Daya Betty, who spent much of the last week’s episode begrudging Jorgeous’s recent win as being undeserved, finds herself on the receiving end of similar cr

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 28, 2022