Gay News

Town votes to defund library after claims it was “grooming” kids

"They are trying to groom our children to believe that it’s OK to have these sinful desires," a defund activist said. "It's not a political issue, it's a Biblical issue."

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 5, 2022

Volodymyr Zelensky says Ukraine may allow civil partnerships

"Tens of thousands of queer Ukrainians defending our country during this genocide made this possible. Centuries of our anti-colonial struggle against Russian patriarchal and homophobic tyranny made this possible.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 5, 2022

“Heartstopper” star Yasmin Finney aims to be the first trans Bond girl

The actress also shouted out trans model Caroline Cossey as her inspiration.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 5, 2022

Some lab techs are refusing to draw blood from monkeypox patients

Experts worry that the labs’ refusals to take blood from patients will contribute to stigma that could prolong the outbreak.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 5, 2022