Gay News

Brianna Ghey murder trial to begin today in Manchester

Nine months on from the devastating death of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey, two teenagers accused of her murder will go on trial. Brianna, a transgender teenage girl, was found dead on 11 February in Culcheth Linear Park in Culcheth, Warrington with multiple s

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 27, 2023

Gays are better dads, the Pope’s lunch with trans women, & a fishing trip to remember

The week's most popular positive news stories.

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Man paints apartment building rainbow colors to get back at anti-gay neighbor

"It puts a smile on my face knowing that neighbor has to see it every day."

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 27, 2023

Was Miss Universe’s first pageant under trans ownership a revolutionary night? Fans are mixed.

But the pageant's history-making owner says she's just getting started.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 27, 2023