Gay News

Trans teen scared to leave home after being relentlessly bullied by school kids

A trans 13-year-old has been left too terrified to leave his home after months of relentless bullying. Riley Rogers lives in fear of the physical and verbal harassment he faces when leaving his home in Denton, Manchester, and of the cyber-bullying he face

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

Norway ready to add gender-neutral pronoun ‘hen’ to official language

Norway is set to become the latest country to add a gender-neutral pronoun to its official language. The new singular third-person pronoun, “hen”, is an alternative to Norwegian’s feminine “hun” and masculine “han”. 

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

‘Eunuch maker’ arrested after police raid on flat over alleged live-streamed castrations

Seven men were arrested in a north London flat after reports of castration procedures that were broadcast live online. Metropolitan Police arrested the men in a flat in Finsbury Park, London following a raid in December, and searched the residence for thr

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

School waged ‘campaign of harassment’ against teacher who stood up for LGBT+ kids, lawsuit claims

A Maine teacher is suing a school district alleging officials targeted her with a “campaign of harassment” because of her advocacy of LGBT+ rights.  Michelle MacDonald – an English teacher at Brewer High School in Maine – filed a complaint aga

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022