Gay News

Doctor Who queer romance story will be handled ‘delicately’ in new special

A Doctor Who writer has teased that the romance between Yaz and the Doctor will be addressed in a ‘delicate’ way in the new special “Legends of the Sea Devils”. Fans were thrilled to see the show finally address the romantic tension between Jodie Whittake

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 16, 2022

Oscar winner Ariana DeBose to star in ‘bisexual My Best Friend’s Wedding’

Ariana DeBose has signed onto a new rom-com described as My Best Friend’s Wedding “with a bisexual Latinx POV” right after her historic Oscar win.  DeBose will executive produce and star in a new LGBT+ film titled Two and Only. According to Deadline, the

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 16, 2022

Man stabs trans woman to death for allegedly hitting on him

FacebookSeveral days ago, Fern Feather began hanging out with a man she barely knew. Then, on Tuesday morning, the man claimed that Feather made sexual advances towards him.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 16, 2022

The worst part of traveling while gay

Alice NerrPeople often say that they think we're brothers, but we don't look anything alike. Why is that?

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 16, 2022