Gay News

Luc Montagnier: Scientist who discovered HIV, changing the course of the AIDS crisis, dies aged 89

Luc Montagnier, a French virologist who won a Nobel Prize for his part in discovering the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, has died. He was 89. Montagnier passed away in the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, French news agency AFP

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Poland passes its own hateful ‘LGBT+ propaganda’ ban: ‘Children will be punished for tolerance’

A “disastrous” bill that will “punish” LGBT+ youth by curbing access to teaching on queer issues has been passed by Poland’s lower house of parliament. In yet another attempt by the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) to stoke

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

House passes bill seeking to further protect LGBTQ rights around the world

ShutterstockThe legislation would deny visas to anti-LGBTQ human rights abusers.

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One of Biden’s potential Supreme Court picks is facing questions about a religious liberty case

US Department of JusticeLeondra Kruger argued a case before the Supreme Court that went so badly that even the liberal justices all voted against her.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022