Gay News

Love Island USA casts proudly bisexual woman for new series

Love Island USA has cast an openly bisexual woman for season four, plastic surgery aficionado and vibrator connoisseur Courtney Boerner. Courtney Boerner will enter the American villa when Love Island USA returns on 19 July. According to E! News, the 24-y

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 14, 2022

My sister died after 1,023 days on an NHS waiting list. This is the reality of the ‘trans debate’

Alice Litman died by suicide on 26 May, at the age of 20, having been failed by the state. Her sister, Kate Litman, shines a light on the political conditions of her death, and honours her memory. This year at London Trans Pride, joy and celebration were

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 14, 2022

RuPaul issues powerful statement on LGBTQ+ rights after incredible Emmy nominations haul

RuPaul has issued a moving statement on LGBTQ+ rights after RuPaul’s Drag Race was nominated for an incredible 11 Emmy Awards. In the wake of rollbacks to LGBTQ+ rights in the United States, including Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay”

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 14, 2022

Spice Girls announce 25th anniversary plans for ‘Spiceworld’ and fans think there might be a tour

Spice Girls have teased plans for Spiceworld’s 25th anniversary and fans are getting very excited. The iconic band posted an updated logo for their second album featuring a spinning globe alongside a silver band to mark the quarter century milestone

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 14, 2022