Gay News

Police interviewed George Santos about a credit card fraud ring in 2017

It is unclear why they interviewed him or if he was a suspect, but the suspicious Santos stories just keep piling up.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 21, 2023

These three drag queens have been targeted by the far-right

We spoke with three artists swept up in this unprecedented wave of intimidation to see how they are in the aftermath.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 21, 2023

Teacher fired over video of bookshelves allegedly empty from DeSantis’s book banning

DeSantis publicly disavowed Covey's video as a "fake narrative," but Covey is standing by his claims.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 21, 2023

Gay veterans still seek honorary discharges after being booted from the military under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Many LGBTQ+ veterans have been denied key benefits received by those who are honorably discharged.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 21, 2023