Gay News

Call Me by Your Name director Luca Guadagnino denies ‘censoring’ gay sex scenes

Call Me by Your Name director Luca Guadagnino is once again defending his decision to shy away from nudity and sex scenes in the Oscar-nominated movie. Based on the original book of the same name and adapted from a more explicit screenplay by James Ivory,

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 27, 2022

Doctor who runs online gender clinic for trans kids ‘competent to give treatment’, tribunal rules

A medical tribunal found a UK doctor who ran an online clinic for trans youth was “competent to provide treatment” but failed to provide some follow-up care.  Dr Helen Webberley, founder of website Gender GP, was accused of breaching NHS guidelines by pre

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 27, 2022

Jameela Jamil quits ‘hell platform’ Twitter after Elon Musk takeover: ‘Lawless hate, bigotry and misogyny’

Jameela Jamil has quit Twitter after the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, purchased the highly influential “hell platform”. The Good Place actor joined other LGBT+ advocacy groups in expressing a mixture of worry and scepticism ahead of t

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 27, 2022

Lesbian Visibility Week: 15 unique gifts for the lesbian in your life including pins, t-shirts and jewellery

This week (25 April – 1 May) marks Lesbian Visibility Week. It was created by DIVA publisher Linda Riley “both to celebrate lesbians and show solidarity with all LGBT+ women and non-binary people in our community”. If you put the ‘L̵

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 27, 2022