Gay News

Man surprises boyfriend with marriage proposal with help from Good Morning America

The show helped out by sending his boyfriend on a scavenger hunt while everyone got ready for the big surprise.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 1, 2022

Proud Boys flashmob library’s family Pride event as terrorized staff frantically cancels event

ShutterstockPhotos posted on social media also show the men flashing white supremacist hand signs while smiling for the camera.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 1, 2022

Gay flamingo couple breaks up after Pride month shenanigans

ShutterstockEvery year, there's that one couple that doesn't survive Pride month.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 1, 2022

UK bank tells customers upset over pronouns on staff badges to take their money elsewhere

ShutterstockIn response to complaints on Twitter, Halifax Bank said customers were welcome to close their accounts.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 1, 2022