Gay News

Virginia Woolf’s undying, tragic queer romance inspired one of history’s most radical books

On 14 December 1922, Virginia Woolf met Vita Sackville-West for the first time. In the years that followed, they developed an intense love for one another – and that love influenced both their lives and their writings. The romantic and sexual relationship

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 26, 2022

DC Comics’ Batgirl film adds trans superhero sidekick played by trans actress Ivory Aquino

Batgirl has cast transgender actress Ivory Aquino to play the first trans character in a DC Comics live-action film. Aquino will join the upcoming Batgirl film, a HBO Max project, as Alysia Yeoh, the titular superhero’s best friend and roommate, acc

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 26, 2022

You can see The Devil Wears Prada’s Stanley Tucci at the London Palladium – and he’s ‘fine as hell’

Fans of Stanley Tucci can spend an evening with the actor at the London Palladium in 2022. The Devil Wears Prada star will head to the iconic venue on 5 April for an intimate conversation about his life and career. He will be interviewed by journalist Eli

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 26, 2022

NCAA diversity trainer quits over ‘deeply disappointing’ trans athletes rule change

A non-binary facilitator for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has resigned in protest at the governing body’s new policy on trans participation. Dorian Rhea Debussy was one of 54 facilitators for the NCAA’s Division III inclusivity prog

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 26, 2022