Gay News

Tax status complaint filed against anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty

The group's non-profit status might be in danger.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 1, 2023

Gay man stabbed to death after confrontation with homophobes who said he offended their religion

Police are investigating the murder of 28-year-old dancer O’Shae Sibley as a possible hate crime.

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Judge issues temporary injunction against Montana’s ban on drag story hours

Judges across the country are blocking GOP-backed laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community.

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Gay dads win case against rightwingers who used their son’s photo on an anti-surrogacy flyer

The beautiful photo celebrated the moment they met their newborn son, but the rightwing party used it for propaganda.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 1, 2023