Gay News

I fled DeSantis’s Florida to escape homophobia but it followed me all the way to Spain

The GOP's vicious rhetoric has spread to other countries that were once shining examples of equality.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 30, 2023

200 arrested & dozens paraded in front of reporters as Nigerian police raid gay wedding

Detainees, who said they were attending a fashion show, could face up to 14 years in prison under Nigerian law.

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Trans woman wins landmark settlement after year of horrific jailhouse abuse

Makyyla Holland, 25, was beaten, illegally strip-searched and denied HRT while detained in a men's county jail.

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Pope rips rightwing American Catholics as useless idealogues who have lost the faith

Far right leaders and believers don't understand "faith and morals," the leader of the church said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 30, 2023