Gay News

Lauren Boebert demands cutting State Department funds over tiny grant for drag show

Another conservative called the small grant "an act of political warfare."

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 21, 2022

GOP official wants to defund state libraries giving kids “non-age-appropriate materials”

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft says libraries need to stop giving kids materials "that appeal to the prurient interest of any minor."

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 21, 2022

Some thoughts on the premiere of the extremely gay “American Horror Story: NYC”

The new season deals with a serial killer and a mysterious virus threatening 1980s gay New York.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 21, 2022

Most Republicans want students to learn about everything except for LGBTQ people

Republicans support teaching kids about sexuality, as long as it's heterosexuality.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 21, 2022