Gay News

30 employees hold “die-in” during Amazon’s Pride event to protest sale of transphobic books

Shutterstock"[Protesting is] a risk that a lot of us are willing to take because we can't continue to work for this company and turn a morally blind eye to its policies," one employee said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 3, 2022

Lynda Carter reassures fans that Wonder Woman is an LGBTQ icon

Warner Bros TV/DC Comics/Kob/REX/Shutterstock"If you want to argue that she is somehow not a queer or trans icon, then you're not paying attention."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 3, 2022

School counselor went on hateful, profanity-filled rant about trans people

Shutterstock"[Expletive] transgenderism. [Expletive] it."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 3, 2022

Anti-LGBTQ+ hate comes from just tiny minority of UK public, eye-opening study finds

The UK public is most likely to have feelings of respect and admiration towards LGBTQ+ community, according to new research from Stonewall. The research – published by the charity on the first day of Pride Month 2022, which also marks 50 years since the f

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 2, 2022