Gay News

International Olympic Committee releases “groundbreaking” new framework for trans athletes

Shutterstock/Ververidis VasilisThe new framework says trans people can "participate in sports without any inherent advantage and that our humanity deserves to be respected," soccer star Quinn said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2021

Drag queens targeted by trolls filing false police reports saying they’re killers

ShutterstockOne drag queen exited her house to find four police officers pointing guns at her. A troll had told police she killed her brother and was going to kill herself.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2021

Donald Trump endorses wacky creationist who says premarital sex leads to pedophilia

Campaign websiteKristina Karamo's fringe beliefs on sexuality aren't favorable to Donald Trump, but he likes her belief in conspiracy theories. And she could win.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2021

GOP politicians tried to shut down a smalltown LGBTQ support group. It backfired spectacularly.

Google Street ViewThe LGBTQ community is a "hate group" because they "make people upset," according to the elected officials.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2021