Gay News

Halle Berry’s queer Black love story in new Netflix drama Bruised is a frustrating anti-climax

Halle Berry’s directorial debut Bruised falls flat when it comes to its queer, Black romance. Currently trending in Netflix’s top 10, Bruised is the highly-anticipated female-led movie fronted and directed by Hollywood legend Halle Berry. It reimagines th

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 2, 2021

Teacher wants to dispel harmful, toxic myths around people with HIV: ‘I’m living my best life’

To mark World AIDS Day, PinkNews spoke to Joshua Royal, a ballet dancer and teacher who wants to consign myths about HIV to the dustbin of history. Joshua Royal was on a bus in 2015 when he received a phone call asking him to come in to his local sexual h

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 2, 2021

Tory government’s long-awaited HIV Action Plan ‘isn’t enough on its own’ to end transmissions

HIV charities have tentatively welcomed the UK government’s HIV Action Plan, which sets out how England can end HIV transmission by 2030 – but some have said the plan doesn’t go far enough. The government unveiled its plan on 1 December, World AIDS Day, w

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 2, 2021

Conspiracy theories and stigma: Lesbian icon Lisa Power recalls AIDS epidemic’s tragic coalface

In the early 1980s, queer men started to die in alarming numbers. A mystery virus was doing the rounds, and nobody knew how it was spread or what its impact would be. It was a frightening time for the queer people working at what was then called Gay Switc

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 2, 2021