Gay News

Worrying number of queer women and trans people missing lifesaving cervical cancer screenings

Lesbian and bisexual cis women are more likely than their peers to have never had a cervical screening test, government figures have revealed, with worrying numbers of eligible trans men and non-binary people also missing out. Figures from the Department

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

Russia plotting to kill LGBT+ Ukrainians after invasion, US whistleblower claims

A US official has warned that Russia may target prominent political opponents, anti-corruption activists, and “vulnerable populations” like LGBT+ people in the event of an invasion of Ukraine. The official, who spoke to Foreign Policy anonymou

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

‘Beloved grandson’ of former Labour leader Neil Kinnock comes out as non-binary

Former Labour leader Lord Neil Kinnock’s grandson has come out as non-binary, and been welcomed by his family. “It just felt just right to me… and it has really given me a lot of freedom,” Milo Kinnock, 22, told Danish TV channel DR1. &#

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

Cruel amendment to Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill would force schools to out LGBT+ students

An amendment to Florida House Bill 1557, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, would force school officials to out LGBT+ students to their parents. HB 1557, which passed through the House Judiciary Committee last week, would effectively ban school districts fr

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022