Gay News

Defiant medical students walk out of university’s white coat ceremony over anti-abortion speaker

A group of defiant medical students walked out of their university’s white coat ceremony over a keynote speaker’s anti-abortion views. Several incoming students at the University of Michigan Medical School staged the walkout on Sunday (24 July

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 26, 2022

Monkeypox could soon spread beyond gay and bi men, World Health Organization warns

An expert at the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the monkeypox outbreak affecting gay and bisexual men could be a “canary in the mine” for vulnerable people. While experts have explained that monkeypox is not a so-called “

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 26, 2022

Monkeypox expert shares advice for queer men in monogamous and open relationships

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox a “global health emergency”, sparking a rush of fear and panic among LGBTQ+ people. The virus, once only detected in parts of Central and West Africa, has been spreading rapidly among

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 26, 2022

Buenos Aires officials sued over unjust ban on gender-neutral language in schools

Authorities in Buenos Aires are being sued after banning gender-neutral language from being taught in schools. Local officials were collectively taken to court by political groups after they banned teachers from describing students as “chic@s, ̶

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 26, 2022