Gay News

How Tennessee’s drag performers are planning on beating the state’s draconian drag ban

While celebrities have spoken out against the ban, local queens and kings are playing the long game.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2023

Oregon GOP senators are boycotting their jobs to obstruct vote on trans-friendly bill

Trans health care, abortion, and gun rules are at stake.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2023

As Florida becomes increasingly hostile, 2 queer teachers contemplate their next moves

Lana Mims and Kaylee Owens are now forced to choose between resilience and self-preservation.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2023

Australian politician tells anti-LGBTQ+ bigots to “get to Florida” in powerful speech

"This Americanization of our politics has no place here."

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2023