Gay News

The long, troubling story of ex-Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged hate crime hoax

Former Empire actor Jussie Smollett will face trial on Monday (29 November) for allegedly staging a racist, homophobic hate crime against himself in Chicago. The case, full of twists and turns, has fascinated the world, and could soon reach its conclusion

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

Chile elects first trans woman to congress as presidential election puts LGBT+ rights ‘at stake’

Chile has elected its first transgender official to its national legislature. Emilia Schneider is the first out transgender person to be elected to the National Congress of Chile. The 25-year-old activist previously gained prominence when she was elected

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

5 queer-friendly reasons to visit Malta this holiday season – from Cirque du Soleil to Santa’s City

With temperatures sitting comfortably in the late teens, Malta makes for a great autumn and winter destination for queer travellers. The small archipelago has been ranked number one on the Rainbow Europe list of LGBT-friendly destinations for five years r

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

Bisexual teacher quits after being ordered to remove Pride flag from classroom

A bisexual teacher has resigned after being told to remove his Pride flag by a school board in Michigan, US. On November 22, an email instructing teachers to remove any Pride flags from their classrooms was sent to multiple staff across a school district

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021