Gay News

Alice Cooper loses cosmetics brand deal over anti-trans remarks

The veteran shock rocker made headlines recently for a vile anti-trans rant.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2023

Armed man kills dog & threatens to attack LGBTQ+-inclusive church

The church is the meeting place for two local LGBTQ+ advocacy groups.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2023

Trans folks were thriving in India’s groundbreaking public shelters. Then the money stopped coming.

After radio silence from the government, staff say they are spending their own money to keep the shelters afloat.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2023

Conservatives try to end county’s libraries after failing to ban 11 books

They said that the library system is "irretrievably compromised" because they couldn't get some books on LGBTQ+ people and racism removed.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2023