Gay News

Jen Psaki schools “distracted” Fox reporter that a leaked doc isn’t as important as womens’ health

Official White House Photo by Erin ScottThe White House has a priority and it's not doing the Supreme Court's job for them.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2022

Ben Shapiro wants the Supreme Court to overturn marriage equality

YouTube screenshotBen Shapiro has previously said that he doesn’t think that children should know that same-sex marriage exists.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2022

Sarah Palin is already claiming voter fraud for an election that hasn’t happened yet

ShutterstockShe hasn't even lost yet, but she's certain something shady is afoot.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2022

Georgia’s high school sports association bans trans kids from playing school sports

ShutterstockRepublicans denied that their recently passed bill would ban trans youth from playing sports. They lied.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 6, 2022