Gay News

Filmmaker and gay erotic photography pioneer James Bidgood dies from COVID-19

Filmmaker and gay erotic photography pioneer James Bidgood has died aged 88 from complications related to COVID-19. According to the New York Times, Bidgood passed away on Monday, 31 January, in Manhattan, New York. Bidgood was the creator of the cult que

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene is livid that someone keeps vandalizing her transphobic sign

ScreenshotsMarjorie Taylor Greene said the vandalism shows that D.C. is "loserville." "Absolute most pathetic place I've ever been in my life."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Teammates betray trans swimmer Lia Thomas & ask for her to be banned from competing

Screenshot16 of Lia Thomas's teammates sent an anonymous letter claiming that they, as "biological women," can't win against a trans woman who has met NCAA requirements for competing.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Why this Black trans activist owes everything to his “praying granny”

"I was blessed with a praying granny...who knew her child was going to need protection from a cruel world," writes Sean Ebony Coleman.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022