Gay News

Conservatives are losing it over a nonbinary robot in “Transformers”

LibsofTikTok posted about the character last week, sparking outrage.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Trans man hijacks microphone at anti-trans rally & calls attendees “f**king TERFs”

The man proudly announced "I am a f**king trans man!" before organizers tried to pull him away from the mic.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Professor handed out transphobic chocolate bars. Now he’s complaining about the consequences.

The bars were branded "he/him" and "she/her," with and without nuts.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Kyrsten Sinema appears to use campaign funds for personal travel

The Independent senator seems to have scheduled fundraisers in towns where she also competed in marathons, justifying her use of campaign funds.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023