Gay News

Queen of the Universe winner Grag Queen wants to use crown for desperately important cause

Queen of the Universe has crowned its first winner, and she’s using her platform to speak out against anti-LGBT+ violence in Brazil. Brazilian performer Grag Queen was named the champion of the debut season of Queen of the Universe, the internationa

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

Cardi B calls out ‘ugly homophobes’ in peak Cardi B fashion

Cardi B had a clear message for homophobes: “You just ugly.” The outspoken rapper has fast become an ally for members of the LGBT+ community, with the hitmaker helping to officiate gay weddings as well as clapping back at homophobic debates on

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

No surprise, Donald Trump just endorsed homophobic Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán

Former US president Donald Trump has “endorsed” Viktor Orbán as he campaigns to remain in power in Hungary’s upcoming parliamentary elections. In a statement, Trump said: “Viktor Orbán of Hungary truly loves his country and wants safety

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

Real-life Ammonite fossil hunter Mary Anning to finally be honoured, ‘righting historic wrong’

Fossil hunter Mary Anning, portrayed by Kate Winslet in the film Ammonite, will finally be honoured with a statue in her hometown of Lyme Regis. Until recently, Anning, born in 1799, was almost forgotten by history despite being a pioneering and influenti

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022