Gay News

These leaders are amplifying the voices of the Black queer community

ShutterstockYou simply have to meet Emil Wilbekin and David J. Johns.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Furry Panic is sweeping through Trump supporters, anti-vaxxers & the religious right

ShutterstockNot content with making wild accusations about transgender students, now they're making ridiculous claims that kids are becoming "furries" and schools are making federally-mandated accommodations.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Donald Trump demands January 6 Committee investigate Mike Pence

Wikimedia Commons/Gage SkidmoreDonald Trump has fully turned on Mike Pence, blaming him for the Capitol Insurrection because he accepted the results of the 2020 elections.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Parent tries to ban Michelle Obama book from Texas school district for promoting “reverse racism”

ShutterstockThe push comes as conservative parents around the country fight to ban books about race and LGBTQ identities from schools.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022