Gay News

Australian PM Scott Morrison’s contentious Religious Discrimination Bill ‘risks LGBT+ lives’

Australian faith-based schools will be banned from expelling gay students but could still freely oust trans pupils in proposals agreed by ruling party lawmakers. In the confusing and contentious saga of prime minister Scott Morrison’s Religious Disc

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

Florida’s chilling ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill inches closer to reality as it passes vital committee

The Florida Senate education committee has passed SB 1834, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which would ban discussions about LGBT+ identities in the classroom. The bill, introduced by Republican state senator and Baptist funeral directo

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

It is time to start celebrating Black asexuality in media

ShutterstockSo far, ace representation has mostly involved white male characters who tend to be socially awkward and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

Four men who brutally beat a gay couple for holding hands claimed self-defense. The judge said no.

ScreenshotThe four men viciously beat Rene Chalarca and Dimitri Lugonov after they exited a restroom holding hands.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022