Gay News

Trans swimmer Lia Thomas smashes two United States women’s records

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has broken United States records in two races over the weekend. The 22-year-old student from Austin, Texas, competed in the Zippy Invitational in Ohio where she smashed two records in the 200m and 500m freestyles.  The Unive

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 8, 2021

US groups behind bid to overturn abortion rights spent millions attacking rights around the world

US Conservative groups seeking to overturn Roe v Wade have spent millions on global campaigns against reproductive and LGBT+ rights, an investigation has found. OpenDemocracy says the groups have spent at least $28 million on international campaigns, incl

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 8, 2021

Feds arrest man for threatening to blow up Pride parade

Shutterstock“[W]e were right there you…FREAK!!!" one of the man's letters said. "No matter how long it takes, you will be taken out…. high-powered bullet…. bomb….knife…. whatever it takes.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 8, 2021

Rachel Maddow says Donald Trump should face charges: “This is him confessing”

Screenshot"I’m just saying. He did just confess to that in detail on national TV last night."

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 8, 2021