Gay News

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for whining about the “gazpacho police”

Shutterstock/Gage SkidmoreRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is worried about cold-hearted soup Nazis spying on her.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Tucker Carlson insinuates that Kamala Harris planted a pipe bomb near the DNC headquarters

Gage SkidmoreTucker Carlson insisted that it's "strange" that Kamala Harris visited a Democratic Party office where a bomb was later found.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

GOP candidate is angry that students aren’t allowed to “laugh at” transgender kids anymore

Screenshot"I am not comfortable with the transgenders," Shelley Luther started. And then she got worse.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Students walk out in protest after being forced to attend anti-LGBTQ group’s Christian revival

Screenshot, AP VideoStudents chanted "My faith, my choice" and "Separate the church and state" as they walked out of homeroom.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022