Gay News

Who made the polyamorous flag & why does the internet dislike it?

ShutterstockThe polyamorous flag is a hot topic in the ethical non-monogamy (ENM) community, but why? Find out its history and the various attempts at a new design.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 12, 2022

90s crooner Tevin Campbell peeks out of the closet with gay tweets

ShutterstockIn a since-deleted reply, Campbell seemed to confirm a fan's curiosity about his sexuality.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 12, 2022

Texas parents with transgender kids are raising money online to move out of state

Shutterstock"[My daughter] deserves the right to be able to grow up without the constant fear of Texas politicians trying to remove her existence," one parent wrote.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 12, 2022

A fan asked JoJo Siwa to stay in the closet. What happened next was amazing.

YouTube screencapture"Hey JoJo, I’m coming to you’re show tonight. Please don’t say you’re gay," one of Siwa's fans tweeted her. Siwa's response left the audience cheering.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 12, 2022