Gay News

Jeremy Pope says he quit a major film after the director discriminated against him for being gay

The out star of “The Inspection” says a director questioned whether he could “connect” with a female co-star.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2023

Rachel Maddow mocks Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene over latest Biden “scandal”

MTG said "communists" in the government are trying to cover for Biden, but Maddow can't take it seriously.

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Judge who allegedly used gay slurs retires from the bench

She admitted she made anti-gay statements but said they were protected free speech.

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Ron DeSantis appoints anti-LGBTQ+ activist to college board to “reconquer” schools

"We anticipate that this is going to be a process that involves conflict."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2023