Gay News

‘I cancelled my pension when I was diagnosed with HIV – 30 years on, I’m alive and thriving’

A couple of days after Ian Makinson was diagnosed with HIV in 1993, he was ironing in the front room of his house when it occurred to him that he should stop paying into his pension scheme. He didn’t think he would live long enough to be able to enjoy the

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 1, 2023

Martina Navratilova says trans women can’t be lesbians

The tennis legend also called a trans woman a "bloke."

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 1, 2023

George Santos may spend his last day in Congress trying to expel a Democrat for pulling a fire alarm

He says it's only fair that if he's getting kicked out for his many alleged crimes that Rep. Jamaal Bowman get expelled over a fire alarm.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 1, 2023

Fox host mocked for saying Joe Biden isn’t a real man because he used a straw

He claimed that only women and children are allowed to use straws.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 1, 2023