Gay News

Betty White tackled HIV stigma in game-changing Golden Girls episode

Betty White, who tragically died at home on Friday morning (31 December), once tackled AIDS stigma in a historic episode of The Golden Girls. Throughout her life and career, White and The Golden Girls were known for tackling social issues in a way that si

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 2, 2022

Alan Cumming told Harry Potter producers to ‘f**k off’ after they ‘lied’ about part

Alan Cumming had a couple of choice words for Harry Potter producers after he turned down a major film role. The Scottish actor was originally in the running to play narcissistic author Gilderoy Lockhart in the second film in the series, Harry Potter and

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 2, 2022

7 new queer’s resolutions to make your 2022 delightfully gay

New Year’s resolutions can often feel daunting, clichéd and ultimately, unrealistic. This year, instead of trying to eat less, exercise more, or give up something you know you won’t, why not have a little fun with it all by making 2022 your gayest year ye

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 2, 2022

Queer family targeted with hateful, anti-LGBT+ Christmas card

A queer family in Massachusetts have received an outpouring of support from their local community after being targeted with a hateful, anti-LGBT+ Christmas card. Melissa Sheehan and her wife Kelly live with their two children in the town of Wilbraham, Mas

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 2, 2022