Gay News

5 meaningful ways you can show up for trans people this Trans Awareness Week – and beyond

Each Transgender Awareness Week, we focus on the challenges facing trans and non-binary communities. These are many: we face huge barriers in securing housing, jobs, and healthcare; threats to our physical safety; relentless and harmful transphobia online

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

I was bullied relentlessly before coming out as trans. Now, I’m helping kids become allies

Charlie Middleton was relentlessly bullied at school for being different, but his life changed after he came out as trans. Now, he’s an ambassador for Just Like Us, the LGBT+ young people’s charity, and working to make safe, positive spaces fo

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

Disney adds character voices to TikTok – but they won’t say gay, lesbian or queer

Disney fans were delighted when text-to-speech character voices were introduced to TikTok, until they noticed some strange restrictions on LGBT+ terms. The text-to-speech voices, including characters Rocket Racoon (Guardians of the Galaxy), C-3PO (Star Wa

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

Olly Alexander takes a powerful stand for LGBT+ families at MTV awards in Hungary

Years & Years’ Olly Alexander championed LGBT+ adoption while presenting an award at the MTV EMAs in Budapest, Hungary. The singer took a stand when presenting the award for Best Video, telling those watching that all of the nominees “support sa

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021