Gay News

Over 2500 Christian ministers sign letter demanding right to practice conversion therapy

ShutterstockConversion therapy, "far from being harmful, is a kind and merciful act, and of benefit to all," the letter states.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

Democrat slams Republicans for “state-sanctioned bullying” of transgender kids

Screenshot, YouTubeThe only Democrat on the committee stood up for trans kids: "Our transgender students deserve better."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

Gay cop wins $225K settlement after suffering so much harassment that he couldn’t sleep

SFPDBrendan Mannix said he faced constant belittling comments about his sexuality and was given the worst assignments by the San Francisco Police Department.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

Gay lawmaker snaps as NYC mayor says he’ll hire “kill the gays” pastor for “faith-based” position

Roy Rochlin/GettyThe state senator called Fernando Cabrera “a bigot and has no place in City Hall." The mayor's response was shocking.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022