Gay News

Lady Bunny points out obvious problem with debate over Drag Race’s first cis, straight man

Legendary drag queen Lady Bunny has waded into the fierce debate over RuPaul’s Drag Race‘s first straight, cisgender male contestant. Bunny, the 59-year-old disco veteran and long-term friend of RuPaul, blasted NBC News for asking her about Ma

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 17, 2021

Tool drummer lives up to his band’s name by yelling homophobic slur during alleged assault

Tool drummer Danny Carey has lived up to the American rock band’s name after yelling homophobic slurs during a dust-up at Kansas City International Airport, Missouri. Carey, 60, allegedly assaulted a person inside the airport terminal by shoving his

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 17, 2021

The best SAD lamps to get you through the long, dark winter nights from Amazon, Argos and more

SAD lamps are an increasingly popular way to help improve mental health during the colder, darker winter months. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a condition that causes sadness or depression when the seasons change, most commonly during autumn and wi

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 17, 2021

Grandmother from hell jailed after cruel campaign of harassment against gay neighbours

Grandmother Elvira Baptiste has been jailed for a sustained campaign of harassment against her gay neighbours, which forced them to move out of their home. Baptiste, 64, appeared at Bristol Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday (15 December), when she was

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 17, 2021