Gay News

I’ve served our community through two pandemics in my lifetime. I help people grieve

ShutterstockFor years, families have called on me before an impending death and on their darkest days to help with the grieving process. Pandemics do not discriminate, nor does the following sorrow.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 8, 2022

13-year-old wearing bisexual Pride flag arrested at Florida pro-choice protest

Screenshot"I need everyone to see what Ron DeSantis’ Florida really looks like."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 8, 2022

Out WNBA player Brittney Griner pleads guilty in Russian drug trial but denies intent

ShutterstockBrittney Griner is accused of "large-scale transportation of drugs" after some cannabis oil vape cartridges were found in her luggage at an airport near Moscow.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 8, 2022

Classic rock radio station extends Pride month in response to hateful comments about their LGBTQ-themed logo

Screenshot“Flag stays up for another month, deal with it...Plus, Freddie Mercury rules.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 8, 2022