Gay News

Christan YouTube troll called an LGBTQ+-inclusive church “satanic.” Weeks later it was firebombed.

The trolls went to the church and pretended to be gay by shouting "Slay queen!" during the service. They then called the church "Pagan and satanic."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2023

Religious protesters in Maryland fight LGBTQ+ school curriculum

Religious parents are calling an inclusive new English program "indoctrination."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2023

This drag performer is running to unseat a Florida state Republican

“I’m running for those who feel they are not represented, pushed aside.”

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Christian preacher says the world would call the US a “wise nation” if it stoned gay people to death

He told his congregation that gay people should be covered in blood "because you just rocked them to sleep."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2023