Gay News

Senate confirms gay man as ambassador to Cameroon. Homosexuality is still illegal there.

Wikimedia CommonsIn Cameroon, homosexuality is punishable by up to five years in prison.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 23, 2021

Conservatives blast pastor who dressed in drag to teach kids about joy

Facebook screenshotThe pastor said he dressed in drag as a way to way to illustrate the idea that "You bring me all the joy in the world just by being you.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 23, 2021

Fox News rejects Fauci’s demand the network fire pundit who called for his assassination

White House/Shealah CraigheadFox personality Jesse Watters told a crowd of people to "go in for the kill shot." Fox says it was harmless.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 23, 2021

There’s finally some good news out about the Biden administration

U.S. Federal CourtsBiden has pushed through a record number of federal judicial nominees to balance out all of Trump's far-right extremists.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 23, 2021